Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Gift of Life

In my last blog entry, I admitted that I have endured dark times throughout my life. My faith in God and Jesus Christ turned most of that darkness into light. There are still moments when I lose hope and wonder what the point is. Why I'm still here? What can I do when the world is ignoring all moral thought? Then God gives me perspective. This light turns on inside my head, my heart, my soul and I just know what I have to do. Either make a choice, speak out about something, or live a certain way to lead by example. I sincerely believe that is God speaking to me.

I live a life where I am literally imprisoned inside my own body. Muscular Dystrophy deteriorates my muscles slowly, making me lose ability after ability. I don't fully know why God let me be born with this disease, but He gives me ways to use it, to gain perspective. I know the value of life, the blessing that it is. Every night I pray to God, thanking Him for each breath of life. I thank Him for blessing my life with my wonderful family, the great friends I have known and those that I still know. I thank Him because He has given me such a great life.

How am I so thankful when I have lived my entire life with a muscle deteriorating disease? Because I know the value of life. It is common for us to not realize the value of something until we lose it. We have all heard stories of people who have held on to life destroying vices until they were faced with losing almost everything, then came back to be amazing human beings. I'm thankful I have Muscular Dystrophy because if I am honest with myself, I know without it, I would not be the person I am today. It took me a long time to accept that.

The main purpose of my blog is to inspire people and bring them closer to God. Because if I can endure this life and still be thankful to God and believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, I hope it tells others they can too. I hope it tells others even though they may be going through a tough time, they can get through it. There is an untapped strength in all of us, there to help us endure anything life throws our way.

I wish with all my being that I could reach the world and help everyone realize what a gift life is, and who gave us that gift. That I could also tell them this: When your having a good time with good friends, take a moment to make them know how much you appreciate them. When you realize you love someone and never want to let them go, look them in the eyes and tell them how much you love them, every single day. If you have a spouse, kiss them the same way you kissed them on your wedding day, every single day. If you have children, take a moment to hold them and tell them that you love them, every single day. Tell the Lord you love Him, every single day. And thank God for every breath of life He grants you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stand Up Against Anti-Semitism

It is very frustrating for me to hear all of the anti-Israel anti-Semitism hate going on throughout the world. Because I am someone who can not stand up and do anything about it. All I can do is speak out against this, and like many other writers and bloggers, hope people hear me and seriously consider what I am saying. When anti-Semitism goes ignored, it grows out of control. The Jews and Israel have to put out the wildfire, but they need our help, or it will consume them.

The hate for the Jewish people and anything Israel I see happening in the world today just astounds me. I don't believe many of these people (Activists, Palestinians, and Muslims) even know what they are talking about when it comes to Israel. Most, if not all of the hateful rhetoric they speak of are total lies. These lies have been repeated and exaggerated so many times, a lot of people are believing them without question. Palestinian children are taught lies and misinformation in attempts to rally them against Jews and Israel. I can not tell you how frustrated that makes me, because I am someone who has studied the truth and can see through the anti-Semitic propaganda.

I'm going to go through a few things. I hope I can clear things up and set the record straight for those who are reading this and do not know the whole truth.

"The Jews came in and stole the land from the Palestinians who were indigenous to the region."
False. Biblical and Archaeological evidence proves the Jewish people have lived in the region for over 3,000 years. Palestine was a name given to the region by the Roman Empire when they conquered Jerusalem. In the late 1800's, many Jews began to come back to the region, buying and settling the land legally.

"Israel is an apartheid state."
Lie. Apartheid (put simply) is when a minority rules over and oppresses a majority. That is not true in Israel. The Palestinians are governed by the Palestinian Authority, not Israel.

"Israel has committed war crimes and genocide by massacring Palestinians."
Lie. No one can prove this because it never happened. There are no reports of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) gunning down Palestinian civilians in the streets. Anti-Semitic groups charge Israel of genocide at their rallies, yet never give any proof of it ever happening.
In the case of Palestinian terrorists attacking Israel, that makes them enemy combatants. Israel has every right to defend themselves against their enemies.

"Israel is a terrorist state."
Lie. The IDF only target terror cells and military installations. In fact, the IDF has a history of dropping thousands of leaflets, warning civilians to leave the area prior to striking terrorist targets. On the other hand, Palestinian and Hamas terrorists intentionally target Israeli civilians in their attacks.

"Israel wants peace with their neighbors."
True. The Jewish settlers hoped that restoring the barren land would benefit everyone, and that is what they did, drastically improving the standard of living. Then conveniently, the Arabs began starting riots and mob attacks in the 1920's through 1940's, aligning themselves with Adolf Hitler. In the 1960's, Egypt helped form the Palestine Liberation Organization, hence the name Palestinian. For decades, the state of Israel has been offering land in negotiations. Yet they receive rejections and escalating violence.

"Palestinians only want a land to call their own."
False. When the state of Israel was formed in 1948 with the help of the UN, it was to be partitioned with a Jewish portion and an Arab portion. Instead, Arab leaders invaded in an attempt to seize the entire land. If Israel concedes to Palestinian demands, what will stop them from doing the same thing again?

The Palestinian demand for their own state is only a smokescreen for a much larger agenda. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority does not accept Israel's right to exist. Hamas, a terrorist organization, is aligned with the PA and openly calls for the killing of every single Jew. If Israel is forced to go to the borders proposed for the Palestinian state, genocide will become very real.

That is why knowing the truth about this issue is so important. If we do not stand up against anti-Semitism, who will protect the Jewish people from a second holocaust? This is not a theory, this is real. Radical Islam and activists around the world openly call for Israel's destruction. History is literally repeating itself. No one believed Hitler was a threat until it was too late. We must not let that happen again. I am asking all of you to stand up against all forms of anti-Semitism.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Battle of Life vs Death

I haven't told many people this because I don't like talking about it. It was seven years ago, just before my tracheotomy operation, when I was really sick. I didn't have any energy, Everything made me short of breath. Eating, drinking and sleeping. It was terrible and thoughts of suicide did come up. I just wanted everything to end. I wasn't strong with God and I didn't know Jesus. I sure didn't know suicide was a sin. I do not believe I would have been able to do it, but it scares me that I even thought about it. Little did I know what my life would turn out to be. A great life with an inner peace only the Lord can provide.

God created our bodies with a purpose in mind for each and everyone of us. Doing harm to our bodies is a grave insult to Him. God sees all, knows all. Trusting Him to lead us and trusting His son to give us the comfort to get us through is faith. We must hold on to that faith during the bad times and trust we will be led to even greater times. Only God knows how we fit into His grand plan. We do not. When someone decides to destroy their body because they can't see any way out of their situation, they are telling God, "I don't trust you and I don't believe you can help me."

The thing about suicide, they can not ask for forgiveness because they are no longer alive. I see suicide all the time in our culture. So many don't even bat an eye when hearing a report of someone committing suicide. Euthanasia being promoted as a means of "dying with dignity". Hollywood glamorizing suicide, portraying them as finally being at peace and suffering no more. Our culture's view on suicide could not be more wrong. This is very harsh to think about, but they are not at peace and their suffering will become much worse.

God does not wish any to perish, and nor do I. Hell is an awful place, and it physically and emotionally hurts me every time someone has to go to that horrible place. I wish I could lead them all to Jesus and away from Satan's deceit, and I am sure many besides me have that same desire. Unfortunately, it just isn't very realistic.

That is why we have a job to do. To continue spreading the message of Jesus Christ. When you see someone down or overwhelmed, give them a warm smile and offer a helping hand. If you see someone going through a devastating time, no matter the cause, sit down and be there for them. With people in a vulnerable state who can't see a way out, the best thing we can do is make them feel loved. That God, that society, has not given up on them. Pray that they will find a reason to live through our efforts.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Prayer Points

Prayer Points is a list of issues and events here in America and abroad that need to be in our prayers. I am a firm believer that prayer works. God listens if we ask for his help. It may not be exactly in the way that we want or expect, but He always answers according to His will. I ask that you put your trust in God and pray with me to raise these issues up to Him.

At the top of this page to the right is a tab labeled "Prayer Points". That will take you to a page that lists what we need to be praying for. Obviously I can't list everything, but I will list everything that comes to my attention.

I have just started on this, so the list is not very long yet. Contact me if you have a prayer request because I would love to give it exposure, just beware this is a public blog.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Risking One Day Too Late

How many of you know someone who believes in God and that Jesus died for our sins, but they don't walk the walk. Sunday rolls around and well, I'll go to church soon, just not today. Then next Friday comes along, and there are just has too many things going on this weekend. I'm young, I'll have time when I'm older. I don't really read the Bible. I mean, I don't understand these words anyway. Subconsciously I end up thinking Jesus is at church, not at my house. Besides, what I'm doing isn't that bad. He's a God of forgiveness, He can forgive me later. I'm a good person, He wouldn't really let me go to hell.

That was me for 17 years. Be completely honest and ask yourself if that sounds familiar. If it does, please take the time to read this message. I came very close to dying that summer and I almost missed knowing Jesus. When I lost consciousness, I was in a barren wasteland with my throat dry and on fire. I wish I could communicate the terrifying dread that I felt, knowing I missed the cut. I wish I could put it into words how serious it is rejecting and procrastinating Jesus. Any of us could die at any time, on any day. Death does not give second chances.

Jesus Christ was brutally honest in His teaching, and I owe it to you to be the same. A term many do not quite understand is "being saved." You could read the Bible cover to cover and follow every commandment, but still not make it into heaven. The consequences of sin are a spiritual death from the Lord, and the beginning of eternal torment. We are all sinners because we are not perfect. Once you accept Jesus into your heart and acknowledge you are a sinner, we are forgiven. You are saved from eternal torment, and the Lord will be with you always.

John 14:6 (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

This means that Jesus holds the key to heaven's gate. If He does not know you personally, the gate stays locked. The only way in is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. What does that mean? When you accept Jesus into your heart, He never leaves. It is having faith He will never let you down. It is thankfulness for the blessings He blesses you with everyday. It is loving Him completely because there is no one else on this earth who is committed to you 24/7/365. That is a personal relationship with Jesus.

I know this may sound overwhelming. Even after I accepted Jesus, I didn't have all the answers. I even avoided finding the answers in fear that I could not live up to them. It wasn't easy after 17 years of giving into temptation and sin. It took me awhile to get to where I am with Christ today. He knows what is in our hearts and thoughts. If you give your heart to Jesus and make a solid effort to honor Him, He will be right there with you every step of the way. I can guarantee that, because He never has given up on me.

Just remember, human life is fragile, especially in these times. Do you really want to risk being one day too late?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Never Give Up On Prayer

The tragedy of September 11th, 2001 always has us thinking and remembering around this time of year. The entire world was changed that day, not just the United States. It was a wake up call, teaching us how vulnerable we are in the hands of men. The memories stay with us, but the lessons have faded over time.

I never forget the lessons learned from September 11th, just like the lessons learned from every conflict since. I am deeply patriotic and would never downplay the September 11th attacks. But it is part of a pattern that has been deteriorating for decades. The world's affairs in the hands of men do not prosper. The United States of America in the hands of men grows corrupt. Our safety, here and abroad, in the hands of men is never reliable. Our future in the hands of men can only be a dark and stormy future.

We need the Lord our God to not only be in our own lives, but to also be in others. We need God to not only be in our country, but others as well. Even our enemies. The only way we have any hope to prosper in peace is through the Lord's blessing. Our country and the world have dug themselves deep in to sin, but all sins can be forgiven through Jesus Christ. It is crucial at this time that we pray for God to heal our land, to speak to our leaders, and to the world. God always listens, so let us strive to send tens of thousands of prayers up to Him.

This may seem like an insurmountable task, and it may be. Many will not accept Jesus and the need of God in our country. However, we must do our very best to reach as many as we can. Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of all nations. We must allow ourselves to be beacons for His light to shine through us. Prayer, love, compassion, and kindness are the most important tools we carry.

"Father, please gather into your arms the families and friends of the victims who lost their lives on that tragic morning. Comfort them as they remember what happened those 10 years ago. Dry their tears as they mourn their loved ones. Guide the rest of us to bow our heads and pay our respects to the innocents and the brave men and women who rushed in to save them. As we remember the tragedy of September 11th, remind us that you, Lord Jesus, love us and are always there with us, no matter the circumstance. With you, we have nothing to fear as you offer us eternal life. Let your will be known and give us opportunities to reach those in need of your love.

We pray this in Jesus name, Amen."

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Stand With Israel

Supporting Israel is very close to my heart. I believe protecting Israel has never been this crucial since the 1948 war. International pressure and the threat of full scale war face the Jewish state every day. I feel a calling to make light of what is going on in Israel that the mainstream news does not report.

This past Thursday, August 18th, a coordinated three stage terrorist attack hit the southern town of Eliat, killing 8 and wounding over 40. The terrorists hid in Gaza, Forcing Israel's IDF to go into Gaza to strike those responsible. Since then, terror cells in Gaza have fired over 100 rockets into southern Israel, targeting populated communities. By forcing Israel to strike them in their territory, terror groups are using that as an excuse to fire back.

The international community always focuses on what Israel and the IDF are doing, and downplay the involvement of Hamas and terror groups. The media follows suit and then the majority of people never get the full story. It is not about two groups of people not getting along. It is good verses evil. Israel remains ethical, only targeting the terror cells themselves. Hamas and their terror cells target civilians on buses, in schools, in their homes and communities. It should be quite clear who is good and who is evil in this conflict.

Right now, nearly a million Israelis are in bomb shelters. They are praying for a legitimate cease fire to stop the rocket fire, praying they still have a home to go home to. They are not only living in fear for their own lives, but for their families as well. The threat of war from surrounding countries is always growing and they worry. Will their children be free or will they have to live under oppressive rule? Here in the United States, we don't have to live in fear like they have to. We don't have to worry about constant rocket fire, or anti tank missiles fired at our children's school buses.

I urge you to pray for Israel and follow what really is happening. Israel is the only stable democracy in a region on fire. Pray for the safety of the Jewish people and their families. Prayer is a very powerful tool because God listens. Once you pass it on and others pass it on, it can turn into hundreds or thousands of calls up to God. We know that the Jewish people are God's chosen people and Israel will never be destroyed. But we still need to pray and offer our support. The more safe the Jewish people are, they more opportunities they will have to find Jesus Christ. We must not abandon them.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I admit there are some days I wonder why I am still here. Days where I long to leave this cruel world and be with Jesus where everlasting peace reigns. It's easy when I'm depressed to just want out, especially when I see how cruel society can be in these times.

But let me tell you about why those days don't consume me. I sometimes wake to the sun streaming through my window and splashing across my walls. I close my eyes and savor it, because I can feel Jesus smiling on me. There is no other feeling like it. I feel so incredibly blessed, all that I can do is praise, "Thank you, Lord!" I have family and friends that never cease to be there for me. I live in a country where I am free and safe, where I live under a roof that shelters me. I have had a great life and am ever thankful for the man it has turned me into. Above all, I have Jesus in my heart and His hand on my shoulder, and the promise that He will never leave me, no matter what.

Moments like that remind me, despite my health, that I have comforts many in this world do not. I am truly blessed to have all that I have, and the life I have experienced. When depression sets in after you have a physical or emotional setback, it's easy to put yourself and your problems first. But we must make an effort to remember there are many who are much worse off than we are, and to pray for them. Our own problems then seem so much smaller.

As Americans and citizens in a free society, we take too many things for granted. We don't know what it's like to live in fear under brutal tyranny, to watch our own family starve because we can't afford to put food on the table, or live without electricity or basic amenities for who knows how long. But unfortunately, the fact is many throughout the world do know what that is like. We are all brothers and sisters by God. We have an obligation to keep them in our thoughts and prayers, that one day they may know some of the comforts we are blessed with every day. Pray that one day they will be reunited with us in Heaven, walking with Jesus as we will walk with Jesus.

Always remember your blessings, and always thank the Lord for giving you those blessings. The best way to honor God is to use your blessings to help others. Whether you are introducing them to Jesus, or just offering a helping hand, you are not wasting the blessings God has given you. You are standing up and doing your part in His will, and that can make all the difference.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

True Hope

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)

This was the beginning of our universe, our existence, and our purpose. God, our loving creator, created everything for us. Such awesome beauty surrounds us every day. We see it in our families, in the wonders of nature, and in His love for us. He didn't create mindless drones without any purpose but to wait on His every whim. He has given us all the gift of life and a free will to choose for ourselves. None of us could ever dream to repay Him, and the great thing is we don't have to. The only thing God requires from us in return is our love, to serve Him and love each other.

Yet look at us now, how much mankind has forgotten. God has taken a backseat in many peoples lives, and many have cut Him out entirely, or never knew Him to begin with. Today's world is the result. Evil has mankind under siege. Deception is Satan's greatest tool. When we are at our weakest, he whispers in our ears. "Why do we need God?" "Live by your own rules." "Such moral nonsense belongs in an old fashioned world." These words play on our fears and desires, seeking to destroy everything good and just in our lives. It's easy to look at the atrocities throughout the world and lose all hope.

But hope lies in Jesus Christ. Mankind is chained to sin. None of us can live a life without sin. Through the sacrifice made by Jesus, we have a path through the chaos and a light through the darkness. If we lay our problems at His feet through prayer and faith, He will take care of us. This world will NOT take care of us. War is waged by evil men, families struggle through collapsing economies, disease takes our loved ones away from us, and in many cases we can't make sense of it. Jesus would not have died on the cross and his disciples would not have taught in the face of certain persecution and death if there was nothing beyond this life.

Our lives here are grains of sand on a beach compared to eternity in Heaven. This life is only the prelude to a greater life of paradise. If we accept Jesus and surrender our flaws to Him, we can survive anything. Not even the most evil forces in this world can take our faith in the Lord away from us. Ask yourself this honestly, do you know anyone in the world who can save you from anything thrown at you? Someone who will stay by your side during the worst of situations? Someone who loves you unconditionally no matter what happens?

There is no one who can replace or measure up to Jesus Christ and His father, our one true God. That doesn't stop people from trying. The most horrendous acts in the history of mankind have come from corrupt men who resented God and thought they were more qualified to do His job. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life for a reason. Only through Him can we experience these three things. If we deny a third of Jesus, we deny all of Jesus. Once we accept Jesus completely into our lives, we are forever a part of His way, His truth, and His life. That is where true hope lies.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stand With Israel

I have noticed a very large amount of hostility toward Israel and anyone who supports them, not just in the middle east, but on American campuses and American streets. Those that speak out like to highlight the Israeli "occupation and oppression" of the Palestinian people. Even suggesting genocide and apartheid system. It becomes obvious that many do not know the truth because they refuse to seek the true history behind the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I'm writing this because people need to know the truth. Not the fabricated propaganda spread by anti-Semites and anti-Zionists - those that regard the Jewish people with hatred and do not accept their settlement in their ancestral land.

In the Old Testament, God promised Abraham and his descendants possession of the land that would become Israel.
(On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates..." Genesis 15:18 NIV)
As Christians, we are obligated to protect and pray for Israel. They are God's chosen people and the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
("I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:3 NIV)
Jewish Civilization remained for thousands of years and this is well documented with archaeological and historical evidence. Despite numerous empires ruling over the land and hundreds of thousands of Jews exiled, the Jewish people never lost sight of their ancestral homeland.

When the Romans invaded and defeated the Jews in 70 BC, they destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and sought to destroy Jewish society. They named the region Palestine in an attempt to erase Jewish ties to the region. For thousands of years afterward, the Jewish/Christian Holy Land was referred to as Palestine. At the height of the Ottoman Empire in 1683, the land was considered unimportant and largely unpopulated.

During the late 1800's to early 1900's, thousands of Jews returned to the region to escape the brutality and persecution happening in Europe. Many were being slaughtered by mobs in Russia and neighboring countries. Jews legally bought land that was mostly uncultivated and barren desert. Through hard work, they restored much of the land and began to thrive. Jews once again became the religious majority in Jerusalem. Arabs welcomed them and benefited much from the Jew's hard labor. As the standard of living increased, so did many Arab immigrants. It was the Jews hope to live peacefully side by side with Arabs, but peace did not last long.

After World War I, The League of Nations recognized the accomplishments of the Jews in the region and created a Palestine Mandate in which the British would assist with Jewish settlement. During the mandate, both Arabs and Jews were called Palestinians. Many Arabs hoped the Jews would revive the region, and they did. But not long after, Arab Palestinians formed riots and mobs, killing and wounding many Jews. As attacks and protests increased, the British felt the Arab pressure and violated the Mandate, giving all land east of the Jordan river to what is modern day Jordan and Syria. In 1948, the British Mandate ended and the State of Israel was formed with support from a UN resolution. The state would be partitioned between a Jewish majority and Arab majority. Arab leaders rejected it and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq all invaded to eliminate Israel entirely. They failed after 15 months of war. Israel continued to be attacked until 1967, when another all out invasion was launched. Israel defended itself again, capturing border regions of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria as buffer zones. After the fighting ended, Israel immediately offered to give the captured land back for peace, but all three refused to recognize Israel and their right to exist.

In 1979, Israel relinquished the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in a peace treaty. 15 years later, Israel also signed a peace treaty with Jordan. When trying to give Palestinians their own land to rule over, Arab leaders rejected every offer, refusing to live along side a Jewish state. Without any Palestinian leaders willing to step up and rule in Palestinian territories, International law required Israel to rule the territories, when they had no wish to do so. In 1993, Israel withdrew to let Palestinians govern themselves when the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) promised to renounce terrorism and accept Israel's right to exist. During negotiations in 2000 to formalize borders, the PLO walked away, calling it no longer acceptable. They claim it would have left them with disconnected territories of land, while Israel and the U.S. deny this claim. Attacks against Israel continue to this day, despite complete withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank in 2005. One year later, Hamas won in Palestinian elections, whose charter calls for the complete destruction of Israel and to kill Jews whenever encountered. Just recently, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority agreed on a unity pact, further endangering Israel's security.

Why was Obama's two-state plan to return to 1967 lines rejected by Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? 1967 lines would give complete control of Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem to the Palestinians. Israel at it's center would be only 9 miles wide. Attacks from the higher elevation of the Golan Heights can not be defended from by Israel. The main airport, Ben Gurion International, would be under constant threat from rocket attacks. Many holy sites would be closed to Jews and Christians or built over, just like they were in 1967. Netanyahu called them indefensible lines for a reason. The reason Palestinians insist on 1967 lines is because it would give them and their allies the power to completely wipe Israel out. When an entire group and several neighboring countries refuse to recognize your right to exist and continuously chant your death, it is impossible to negotiate with them. If Israel concedes even a square inch, their enemies will stop at nothing to not only take every square mile, but also kill every Jew. That is taken from their own words. We must not allow the past to repeat itself.

I have given you the facts. I hope the pattern of escalating violence tells you the threat Israel has to face constantly every day. A threat of annihilation. Israel never violently occupied or oppressed the Palestinians. Israel has never operated under an Apartheid system, no acts of terrorism, and no war crime violations. All claims to the contrary are fabrications made by radical islam, anti-Semites and those who resist learning the truth. Is Israel really as evil as they claim? No. Israel is the only stable and free democracy in the Middle East. A system radical islam and their allies can not control. History and current events tell us if can not control it, they will seek to destroy it.

I have been researching all that I can about Israel and their history. We are living in a crucial time for Israel and I believe educating people about the truth is very important. For a more in depth look, I recommend reading "Israel 101" circulated by Included are unbiased references which can be traced and fact checked.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hope And Peace Through God

How often do you ask yourself, what happened to this country? What happened to the bright future that the United States of America has held for over 100 years? The security I used to feel living here is dwindling with every passing day. I believe many of you feel the same way.

The beacon of hope and freedom that the United States of America once stood for is crumbling. I love my country and what it stands for, but I do not love how morally corrupted her principles have become. Americans have gone from loving and trusting God to denying Him any presence in their lives. The people have gone from working hard to manage their own affairs to depending on the government to do it for them on the backs of others. Public service has become less about serving the will of the people and more about gaining the power to push their agenda. An agenda that doesn't include God.

The United States of America was founded on Christian ideals. Many dispute this, but the facts are there, no the matter how many attempts have been made to cover it up. The founding fathers knew in order to build a thriving nation, the foundation needed God and the freedom He has given us through creation. Without that foundation, everything we hold dear will eventually crumble.

Once our country prospered and grew to be the shining example of freedom and justice in the world, there were those who began to credit themselves for these achievements. God? Well, they decided they didn't need Him. Why listen to God when they can make their own rules? God has been told over and over to leave, that He isn't welcome. When we go through difficult times, deep inside us, we call out for the pain to go away. God says, "Here I am." And the majority responds, "I'm sorry God, but you don't fit into my life." How can any of us be surprised that America as a whole is tearing itself apart? Those who deny God will not receive His blessings.

I say to those who do not believe they need God in their lives, look around us. The world is literally falling apart. Not only the United States. Putting our faith and trust in the powers of this world will not protect us in the end. Only God can protect us and bring us peace through Him. Peace nothing on earth can match. History shows us that peace through man never lasts. But there is hope. Jesus, the Lord of all is that hope. I give this promise to everyone. God is only four words away. "Lord, I need you." Listen to your heart with all honesty and ask yourself, Do you need Him?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

God is Still God and God is Still Good

I just recently saw this video about a man that was diagnosed with Cancer, Zac Smith (Google "Zac Smith Cancer") left behind a video when doctors could no longer do anything for him. "Cancer is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Not something you hear very often, is it?" Despite it all, he never lost his faith. "God is still God, and God is still good."

My story is quite different from his, but I too can say that my Muscular Dystrophy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. It took me a very long time to believe and accept this, but my entire life has been a journey to come to this conclusion through my faith in God. When I was real young, I didn't want to die. It scared me terribly, as I'm sure it would to any 7 year old. I didn't understand for years. "What did I do?" "Why am I the one who has to go through this?" Meeting Jesus changed my outlook completely, making me realize my life, however short, is a very good one. I feel blessed and I thank God every single day.

But, a nagging feeling still remained. "Why?" "I could do so much more for God if only I was cured!" I was in love with a girl, but I knew she would never be my wife. I would never be a husband. I would never have a family. I could no longer speak, or have the strength to hug my family and friends. These thoughts plagued me. I wanted to experience these things so badly. Sure, Some moments I still do, but then I realize God decided to give me a better life. A life where I am never alone, a life where He is there every time I call out for Him, a life where He comforts me whenever I feel discouraged.

Would I still see the glory of God without my Muscular Dystrophy? Would I still have my unwavering, unbreakable faith in Him? Though I can't be certain, I don't believe so. God allows for things to happen in our lives, people we meet, experiences we go through, to test our faith. If you didn't go through the many tests and trials throughout your life, would you be the same person you are today? When I go through something tough in my life, and i turn to God, there is nothing I can not overcome. Satan can throw whatever he wants, because God is with me. It's like climbing a mountain, once I climb over my troubles, I can see God's beauty for miles upon miles. Because God is always with me. Everything that has happened in my life has shaped me into the man I am today. I love Jesus with all my heart, soul, and mind. I know true peace through him that I can not find anywhere else. Jesus suffered and died on the cross so that I could live. What other life could I possibly want? Yes, Muscular Dystrophy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Light Which Saves us

There are days in this world where you are reminded just how beautiful this place can be. Looking outside at the sunshine and white sprawling clouds rolling by, the warmth and the expanse of sky around us. Truly the work of a loving creator. He gave us a gift, giving us life and the freedom to live it. It's times like these I am reminded that life is beautiful, and when you choose Him, life is everlasting.

We have been on this earth for thousands of years. Mankind has seen disaster, war, famine, plague, tyranny, and the despair that follows unspeakable evil. Yet, we are still here. The sky is still blue, the rain is still cool, and the beauty is still here if you know where to look. Many people over the years have broken down, thinking the end was upon them, and there was no hope to recover from such terrible things. In that moment of despair, a hand reaches down and picks mankind up and sets us back on our feet. The hand is one that is always there, provided the one in need knows where to look.

God uses us for purposes we don't quite understand. There are those who reject Him for that, only seeing the darkness of the world. History shows us that left alone, those people only lead themselves further into the dark. I've seen that darkness first hand. But when I trusted God to open my eyes, it was like a blinding light consuming the darkness and filling my soul. No matter how thick the darkness is coming after me, there is always a light bright enough to filter through.
That is how the Lord battles Satan and keeps his evils from penetrating our souls. When you trust Him, His protection never fails. No matter what comes at you, always remember the beauty of God and His work. It is our duty to share that beauty, and teach the lost to live again through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Unlike the darkness of Satan, the light of God knows no bounds. With Him, the beauty of life becomes everlasting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter To A Sinner

What is most important in life? Safety and comfort? Happiness and enjoyment? A stable family? Financial Stability? Power and success? Status and Fame? Peace and Prosperity? Where does God and your relationship with Him rank? After important matters are concluded? When you have time? When it's appropriate?

As for myself, He ranks and always will be first in my life. But, I know it can be a long road, and for a lot of people, a road not often traveled. I was there once, believing in God, but always putting myself and the easy way first. It is so easy to prioritize affairs of the world as the most important things in life, whatever those things happen to be. You seem happy, you look happy, but are you really completely satisfied with life and happy with where you are at? When you ask yourself that last question honestly, you realize your not.

What if I told you that you could have everything you need in life, and the happiness to enjoy it? True happiness and peace that nothing could ever take away. Believing isn't enough, you need to embrace Him. God will give you everything you need, and the peace of mind that never leaves you. When the Lord becomes the focal point of your life, His strength becomes your shelter from hardship. Things that used to break you, just make you stronger.

Believe me, i know it isn't easy to break away from the hold the world has on you. The thing about being exposed to temptation and the sinful parts of human nature, it comes alive in you. Sin is Satan's weapon and his hold over you is strong. You rationalize your a good person and convince yourself into believing that is enough. Many see turning their life over to God as a great sacrifice to their personal fun and happiness, a common misconception aimed at steering you away. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Accepting Jesus and having that relationship with Him enriches your life, not limits it. You find yourself breaking the chains of sin that had such a hold over you. You make time for God, and He makes time for what you need. You fight the temptation of falling back into the sinful things of your past, and you find fun where you never expected. The list goes on and you wonder why it took you so long.

All it takes is, "Lord, I need you. I ask that you forgive me of my sins. I believe that you died on the cross to save me from my sins, and I ask that you guide and direct me to honor you. In Jesus name, amen." I address this to all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. I base this on my own experiences and I pray that it helps you. God loves you and has a purpose for you. The journey may not always be clear, but in the end, the Lord is always with you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Unwavering Spirit

There are a lot of things I see on the news and Internet, bad things happening that I am powerless to stop. People with opinions different from mine, blind to doing the right thing. And I think, my words of anger will not solve anything. So I stop, calm myself, and pray for their souls. In a lot of situations, that is a very good idea. But there are times to speak up and give a voice to matters that need brought to attention. The power of prayer should never be underestimated.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the attempted assassination of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that almost took her life and killed six other people. It doesn't matter what party she belongs to or what political views she has, there is nothing that could ever defend attempting to take her life. I'm calling for prayers for her recovery, her family, and the families of the six victims killed that day. Innocent human beings, and fellow citizens of our country.

What is more distressing lately about this situation are the actions of Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church. I do not like calling it a baptist church because our Lord should not be associated with a hate group. They have made a name for themselves for protesting the funerals of soldiers, victims of AIDS, and homosexuals. They also claim that the shooter was sent by God, and plan to protest at the funeral of a nine year old girl killed during the shooting. I just can't comprehend the hate it takes to say and do such things. I wasn't raised that way, and the day I truly accepted Jesus, my heart wasn't designed that way. The fact that they believe they are Christians doing God's work both angers and saddens me. Their hateful message harms God's work as if they denied Him altogether. The way they interpret hate from the message of love throughout the Bible convinces me that they do not know Jesus, and therefore deny Him with every picket sign.

That is why prayers are desperately needed for everyone involved. The true message of our Lord, love and compassion needs to be shown with the unwavering dedication found inside our hearts. Only the Holy Spirit has a chance to battle hate and drive it from a soul. I ask that every one of you reading this to pray for everyone involved in this tragic situation, and that it be resolved in a peaceful manner. Too much violence and hate has already suffocated the Arizona community. It is our duty to come together and breathe the life back in.