Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter To A Sinner

What is most important in life? Safety and comfort? Happiness and enjoyment? A stable family? Financial Stability? Power and success? Status and Fame? Peace and Prosperity? Where does God and your relationship with Him rank? After important matters are concluded? When you have time? When it's appropriate?

As for myself, He ranks and always will be first in my life. But, I know it can be a long road, and for a lot of people, a road not often traveled. I was there once, believing in God, but always putting myself and the easy way first. It is so easy to prioritize affairs of the world as the most important things in life, whatever those things happen to be. You seem happy, you look happy, but are you really completely satisfied with life and happy with where you are at? When you ask yourself that last question honestly, you realize your not.

What if I told you that you could have everything you need in life, and the happiness to enjoy it? True happiness and peace that nothing could ever take away. Believing isn't enough, you need to embrace Him. God will give you everything you need, and the peace of mind that never leaves you. When the Lord becomes the focal point of your life, His strength becomes your shelter from hardship. Things that used to break you, just make you stronger.

Believe me, i know it isn't easy to break away from the hold the world has on you. The thing about being exposed to temptation and the sinful parts of human nature, it comes alive in you. Sin is Satan's weapon and his hold over you is strong. You rationalize your a good person and convince yourself into believing that is enough. Many see turning their life over to God as a great sacrifice to their personal fun and happiness, a common misconception aimed at steering you away. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Accepting Jesus and having that relationship with Him enriches your life, not limits it. You find yourself breaking the chains of sin that had such a hold over you. You make time for God, and He makes time for what you need. You fight the temptation of falling back into the sinful things of your past, and you find fun where you never expected. The list goes on and you wonder why it took you so long.

All it takes is, "Lord, I need you. I ask that you forgive me of my sins. I believe that you died on the cross to save me from my sins, and I ask that you guide and direct me to honor you. In Jesus name, amen." I address this to all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. I base this on my own experiences and I pray that it helps you. God loves you and has a purpose for you. The journey may not always be clear, but in the end, the Lord is always with you.


Unknown said...

Really good Stephen - way to show the unsaved how to be saved.


Anonymous said...

Stevo! Keep up the good work bro!
-Caplain Bob