Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Christian Testimony

This is my testimony on how I became a Christian. I chose to start my blog out with this because it gives a little history of who i am. It's also very important to me to show people what I went through and still chose to give my heart to Christ. He may take you down a road you might not like, but in the end, you can try to fight it and be unhappy, or you can let God take the steering wheel and guide you to everlasting peace.

I don’t remember the day I became a Christian, but I know it was a long journey getting there. When I was a kid, my family only went to church when my grandma’s choir sang Easter and Christmas programs. And when my grandparents visited in the summer, I would go to Sunday service with them. I never liked it much, but I was just a bored little boy then that didn’t understand what it meant to be a Christian. I thought God was just someone you asked favors from. I grew up knowing God existed, but I never asked Jesus into my heart.

When I was a teenager, I met this friend over the internet. I will always remember the talks we had because it led to me asking Jesus into my heart. But even then, I still didn’t understand how to have a real relationship with Christ. It was a start, but I still didn’t go to church, and I still cared only for worldly desires I’m not proud of. I did however, pray every night to keep my family safe. I consider this phase of my life on the road to becoming a true Christian, but still had a long way to go.

When I finished my junior year of high school, that summer I got really sick. After a month of not knowing what was wrong, my doctor sent me to the hospital. If I had not gone to the hospital, I would have died that very night. When I passed out after I got to the hospital, I had this dream. I was trapped in a hot, barren wasteland and I thought I was in hell, that I failed God. It scared the living daylights out of me. When I woke up after having gone through the tracheotomy that saved my life, both my parents and I finally asked Jesus into our hearts. It was truly the work of God.

My dad chose to go to Richfield Nazarene when I was released from the hospital. The next week, my mom and I followed, and we have been going there ever since. We even got baptized later that year. There was only one problem, I was still letting worldly temptations to get the best of me. My heart was not fully given over to Christ. That November, my throat was punctured and I was bleeding out. It was the closest to death I have ever been. I remember waking up and I was very depressed over my great loss of strength. I kept asking God over and over, why didn’t he just let me die?

It wasn’t until months after, my friend Megan helped me realize that while I lost most of my strength, God gave me the gift of a third chance to get my life straight. I don’t even think she realizes how much she helped me, not in so many words, but just being there as a friend. My dad also helped me greatly when he made me realize how many people pray for me and find me to be an inspiration to them. Knowing that I was serving a purpose, it literally changed my life. And I believe it to have been God’s plan all along. It was a long journey, but the Lord got me to the finish line. Jesus has my heart, mind, and soul. And that gives me the greatest peace of all.

Stephen Musclow


marc23 said...


here are a couple things that i was thinking about while i was reading.. remember when we use to chase girls on the play ground and use to sit on the bench and laugh about lil kid stuff.. well i really hope that u are doing ok and that all is well with u and ur family.. i wish u the best of luck and just kno that u can only do so much and then the lord just has to do the rest.. tell ur parents that i say hello and hope all is welll with them also.. god bless stephen and if u and ur family need anything just drop me a line and i will do my best to try and help

christina musclow said...

Hi Stephen! I want you to know how very proud your Grandma is of you. I read your testimony to Grandpa at the nursing home and he was blessed. Also I have told several friends and they want a copy of your testimony. I am hoping and praying it will speak to the hearts of some of your cousins who are away from the Lord.

God bless you and give you peace that no one can take away. "Now may the eLord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. 11 Thess. 3:16 You have a talent and I am so glad you are using it for His glory.
Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Yes, probably so it is