I had a rude awakening the other day. I realized I was guilty of the very thing I tell others not to do - give up. Specifically on America. I have become too cynical, and that is something we can not be if we want to restore what made this country great. I have been watching Obama and his criminal administration, and I don't think this upcoming election stands any chance of being fair. My mind just shut out any possibility of the United States of America surviving.
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
We CAN NOT give up. We MUST speak out. We must take it upon ourselves to fix the problems facing this country. Our founding fathers never visioned an out of control government such as we have now. It was never the government's job to take care of the poor. It was OUR job. Christians, Good Samaritans, citizens with giving in their hearts.
We spend so much time complaining about the gigantic federal government, out of control spending and corruption, sending facebook notes and emails in outrage about what Obama has done and is doing. That is all well and good, sharing news that the mainstream media won't tell us. But it's time for less complaining, and more doing. Think about this. If 25 people took their day off and went into their communities, offering their skills to those in need for 6 hours, that would be 150 man hours. If we tapped into that kind of charitable giving, not just for one odd day, but spend a few hours regularly every week, just imagine what we could accomplish nationwide! And when the federal government comes knocking, waving checks they think will magically fix everything, we can tell them, "Thanks, but no thanks. We have everything under control. You can go now." Obviously we are a long way from that, but we can start.
I can not stress how important this next paragraph is. We need to pray. All of us. God listens to prayer and always answers. Maybe not how we expect, but his answers are always what we need, even if we can't see it yet. God has been absent from our country for a long while. We need to invite Him back. We need to witness to our fellow citizens. Not so much in teaching scripture, but more in leading by example. If they want to call us hypocrites, bigots, haters, etc, we will show patience and lead our lives in ways they can not call us those things without looking like fools.
Jesus did teach us to turn the other cheek, but I have to believe he would also want us to protect ourselves too. The founding fathers knew this by writing the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights. With the citizen population armed, the government can not enslave us. That is why we MUST be diligent and keep the government from further taking away our rights to gun ownership. It is also a proven fact that cities with tight gun control laws have more violent gun crimes than cities without these laws.
You may not like guns or want them in your home, but I am a firm believer that everyone should at least be taught how to safely operate one. If I had a family, I would make sure my wife and kids, if they were old enough, knew proper gun safety. Unfortunately, In these times, there may come a time (God help us) when that skill is needed.
Above all, we need to send prayers to the Lord. Pray for our country, that our American exceptionalism of years past will return. Pray for the safety of our families. Pray for wisdom to plant seeds in the lives of those we know who need Jesus in their hearts. Pray for the sinners in our society, that their hearts will go out to Jesus, who will wash away their sins.
There is NOTHING that God can not accomplish. Let us all be prayer warriors in this fight to save our beloved United States of America from those who seek to "fundamentally change" her. America is not beyond saving if we trust in the Lord and have faith He will hear our plea.
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