Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2012 Doomsday... and Evolution

The world is not going to end on December 21, 2012! As some Internet conspiracy theorists would lead you to believe, Planet X (or Nibiru) will collide with earth on Dec. 21, 2012, ending all life as we know it. Hollywood's latest movie 2012 is a work of fiction, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The Mayans have been an ancient civilization for how long? And their end of the calender Apocalypse myth is still being explored? Don't you think we would have seen this "Planet X" by now?

And this is really what gets me: At first, theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the date was moved forward to 2012 to match the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar. I would think after nothing happened in 2003, the myth would be labled a hoax. But no. I really shouldn't be surprised, considering how many false prophets are running around these days.

I mean, NASA and leading scientists still seem to think Earth is billions of years old created by a random "Big Bang" event, which is nothing more than theory, a theory passed off as fact. "Evolution". The History channel teaches it, schools teach it, egotistical scientists who think they can't possibly be wrong teach it. Which is just as dumb as this 2012 Doomsday theory. Humanity, animals, fish, insects, water did not evolve from a big ball of rock, how in the world can they believe that?

One name: Satan. He has clouded so many brilliant minds into believing the impossible. This world has been turned upside down in the past 50 years, and it is because Satan is winning the battle. But make no mistake, God WILL win the war. Just be patient, Jesus is coming. In the meantime, I urge every person reading this blog, check out all the facts before believing any theory you hear, documentary you watch, or media outlet reporting news. Satan is out there, and he will lead you astray if you let him. Keep strong, pray that unbelievers will become believers (no matter how much they infuriate you, and trust me, they infuriate me too). It is our duty to God to spread his word. Any one person you help get saved, is one more soul praising God. And isn't that a beautiful thing? Yes. It is a very beautiful thing when one more soul turns to God.

And remember, always have faith in the Lord, for he always has faith in you.



Tim Pierson said...

I am speechless and that's not normal for me to be:) (but I am not surprised, because we serve a God who is God all the time...)
I am watching right before my eyes the God of creation, mold a young man into a passionate warrior, who understands that we must make a difference for the Kingdom while there is time!!!
I believe just like the bible gives example, that words can either give life or death. You my young friend are offering life and hope to all through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I am thankful Stephen that your not ashamed to proclaim Jesus and to use your God given ability to serve HIM with literally all your might.
I am so proud of you Stephen and I know Jesus is too. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire and anoint you with words that are powerful and effective, bringing peace into a confused world.....BLESS YOU!!!

Russ said...

Great post. Although I don't think many people take the newest Hollywood movie 2012 as a true picture of end times, isn't it a shame that most Christians don't take Christ's return seriously either. The world will end one day, not like Hollywood likes to picture but just like God has written in His word. Keep up the good fight.